I’m Natalie Kerby, a Registered Massage Therapist in Belleville Ontario.
Massage Therapy is an incredible profession to be in. I get to help clients manage their pain, stress, and ailments in a physical form.
For nine years I’ve worked with clients between Vancouver to Edmonton and Belleville to alleviate symptoms caused by their jobs, stress, injuries, illness or personal growth stages. In a manner that always puts the clients first, I work with their muscles, tendons, nerves, and brain to incorporate all of the body’s systems to promote functional movement.
Some of the issues I have treated clients with are:
- Stress management
- Acute Muscle Pain (triggerpoints, pulled muscles, spasm, etc)
- Rehabilitation after injury (broken bones, pulled muscles, post-surgery, concussion, traumatic injury recovery – burns and stroke, and others)
- Repetitive Stress Injury and Work-Related Ergonomic Tension
- Headache and Migraines
- Everyday body stressors and general musculoskeletal maintenance
- Issues related to pregnancy (pre- and post) such as swelling, muscle pain, tension, hip tightness-piriformis syndrome, neurological symptoms, baby’s position, and others
- Effects from various disorders and conditions (Crohns, Lupus, Arthritis, CF, Respiratory Infections, etc)
I studied at the Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy in Toronto Ontario and am currently registered in Ontario.
Every treatment encompasses a short intake, a personalized treatment plan that is discussed with you, hands-on treatment time, as well as some feedback on your condition and insights for moving forward.
If you are interested in booking an appointment with me, I am working out of The Therapeutic Massage Centre at the Quinte Sports and Wellness Centre, in Belleville Ontario.
I offer direct billing for most major insurance companies, just ensure that you have a doctor’s referral if your insurance company requires it, before your appointment.
If you have any questions regarding my practice, please email me at: